Worshipping as a Family
"One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them." Mark 10:13-16 (NLT)I had a great experience last night - well, you could even call it an experiment. Our church held our first ever (I think) 6-hour straight worship service to welcome the new year.

Though happy, I was apprehensive too. I wondered if we would just end up leaving the worship service frustrated: kids melting, tired, whinny, hungry, bored. Not being able to worship at all. Stress levels high..
But inside me I wanted to try this - it would be neat to worship as a family for once. No more leaving the kids at home or with the church's children's workers. It just seemed like it was the right time to try something new and good - they are older now.
There was something about the relaxing and peaceful mood in the church last night. Not the usual sense of rush and buzz from regular Sunday services.
We were welcomed by the few people in the foyer - not a welcoming team or ushering team...just folks in the foyer. It was awesome to see my kids interact with other people and to see other people invest a few minutes in the lives of our kids!
We took the second to last pew in the sanctuary - just in case the kids melt down or needed to go out for a break. I had to go to the back to welcome people in as I had volunteered. In the back of my mind I wondered if Stephen would be able to worship at all or if he would just end up babysitting.
The worship team started to sing and I was gladly surprised that my kids started to sing. I could see them looking around at the new surrounding. This was a new experience to all of us, but especially to them. They were touching everything - the pew, the hymnal, the red Bibles.
I could see they were observing the worship leaders. The worshippers themselves: someone standing up and raising hands; another person in the back praying while the rest sang... "Mommy someone is playing the piano" - Samuel noted.
-- As the first song ended and the worship leader prepared for the second song there was a short pause. Then I heard a loud "Amen" -- it came from the back...it was Sarah! what a wonderful Amen....made me think Jesus was smiling down seeing ALL His children, young and old worship Him together.
The kids lasted for a good 30 minute straight - it was wonderful. We felt so comfortable. No feelings of perhaps feeling embarrassed when the kids started getting restless and feeling perhaps everyone around would be rolling their eyes.
I took the kids downstairs when they started to get restless. It was time for a break. We then went back in for 15 more minutes -- I was tempted to just stay in the foyer so that the kids could play. But something told me to bring the kids in again - after all, we came to worship God, all of us. I realized I had gotten so used to thinking of the kids needing 'distractions' while at church - that they 'need' something 'kid-friendly'...
I was a bit more worried for the next 15 minutes - Samuel was quite restless by now. Quite understandable. But still glad at how they behaved. They still sang a bit with in between moments laying on the pew, banging on the hymnals or just walking around. Wonderful. Made me think of how similar kids really are to us adults during service -- we get distracted or tired too; we check our iphones or Blackberries, look at our watches (how many more minutes?), go out for a washroom break, scribble on the bulletin, read something...My kids were no different. It's not just a kid-thing. We all get restless sometimes.
We left at 7PM. We were surprised Sarah did not want to leave. She wanted to go back in! She was so upset. We had to try to calm her down in the car but deep inside me I was thanking God for this one tantrum :)
I asked Samuel what we were doing in the church this morning. He said, "Singing and eating" I asked, singing for whom? "God" - he replied matter-of-factly. I smiled and thanked God He gave us the courage to bring the kids along last night and experimented on what worshipping as a family in community is all about.
Samuel summed the night up so well ... we were "singing and eating" - worshipping in community on Dec 31st.