Reading causes me to Pause

One thing I love about reading is that it really opens up my mind.  I find this especially true now that I am a stay at home mom.  Sometimes I feel as if I just go from one mundane task to the next and it is as if the more mundane things I do (e.g. washing laundry, pick up kids from school, buying groceries, filling up gas, making doctors appointments, brushing a toddler's teeth) the less brain cell are left in me!  I become numb to life, to my purpose here, to my senses ~ to the point where I no longer am able to taste, feel, smell and hear what life is all about.  I just simply go through the motions....

Reading challenges me to think about what I'm doing.  I suppose it is one way to force me to PAUSE and reflect on life issues and on how I am interacting with this world...and as I read I am finding I have 'stuff' to ponder on - to ask God about - to reflect on - and to perhaps change, if needed.

So, tonight, I was reading the latest edition of Servant magazine and saw these numbers.  I was tired and didn't really want to read anything "heavy" so I thought this would be a 'light' read ~ alas.....find out for yourself...what comes to mind as you 'pause' and read this?  I would love to hear your thoughts!
  • India is on pace to eclipse China’s population by 2030
  • TV channels received in the average u.S. home in 1990: 33. Received today: 104
  • A working Greek’s average share of his nation’s debt: $250,000
  • Proportion of baby boomers who say they’ll never retire: 1 in 4. 
  • Proportion who say they have no retirement savings: 1 in 4
  • 48: Number of women raped each hour in Africa’s democratic Republic of Congo
  • Proportion of the world’s food intended for human consumption that is lost or wasted: 1/3
  • There are an estimated 30 million security cameras in the u.S.
  • Number of yoga-related injuries in the u.S. in 2005 (last year reported): 5,500
  • Americans spent more than they earned in most months from 2000 through 2008.
  • 13 percent of cell phone users admit to pretending to use their devices to avoid others
  • Estimated number of hot dogs consumed per second last summer by Americans: 818
Sometimes I am tempted to think I have done 'enough' in this world....that it is time to take care of myself...and then I read things like these...

Pause and Reflect - it is a good and healthy thing....

Galatians 6:9-10 "So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone"


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