What will my kids be like in 18 years....
Today we went to church - and I had already forewarned my husband that it would be a long service. We had 10 people getting baptized this morning! Even though Sarah was cranky and did not want to go to Sunday School Class downstairs, I was grateful she did not fuss around and just sat quietly besides us during the service.
Many of the testimonies of these people getting baptized starts with "I've been raised in a Christian home" or "I've been coming to church all my life". But today I noticed another common comment from the same type of crowd: "I didn't have a relationship with Jesus" or "I fought my parents over why I had to come to church every Sunday" or "I was the trouble maker"
Heard it before?
I have. I've heard these type of testimonies over and over again.
But now they take on a new meaning to me. You see, I am a mother of 2 young kids now. They were born in a Christian home. They have been going to church since they were 2 weeks old. A lot of their friends have Christian parents. They know Santa is only a story and Jesus is the 'best present ever' (quotes from Samuel).

As I sat there listening, I wondered what my kids would say in 18 years, as part of the introduction to their testimonies.
I wondered if my kids will even be standing there giving their testimonies in 18 years time.
I wondered where my kids would be in 18 years. Period.
...and I prayed...and continue to pray.
I may think I have control over so many things as I raise these 2 bundles of joy (and tear sometimes). I may think I can guide their thoughts, their tastes, their habits...but ultimately, if I do have any control and am indeed guiding them somehow, I better be careful I devote my time in guiding them towards the things that really matter. What do I care most about in life? What does God care most about? Do these 2 questions generate the same answer for me?
It's not whether my son or daughter will become engineers and doctors, whether they will be pianists, or if they will speak 3-5 languages, or if they will date the 'right' man or woman.....
I care about their soul. I want them to know who they are in this world. I want them to have assurance beyond doubt that God loves them even more than me.
I want to give them assurance, confidence, love, trust, security. I want them to be anchored to the only thing that is worth living for: Jesus. I want them to have a solid core, not an empty one. And I know none of these things: careers, partners, talents and gifts, can give you.
Back to this morning....as I listened to all these testimonies and thanked God for the work He was doing in these people's lives, I sent out one and one prayer only -- "God, may you teach me to see the potential and purpose YOU have for Samuel and Sarah. May I join you in raising these kids to know who they are in you. May they journey life with You. May their relationship with you not be inhibited by church, but that church help them experience true community, true love, true security. More of You and less of me Lord. Amen"
Oh, I know I will make mistakes along the way, and so will my kids. But God will not.
I look forward to the day I can sit beside my husband, listening to both Samuel and Sarah give their testimonies of what God has done in their lives.
And I'm sure I will be gladly surprised.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 4:6
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5
Many of the testimonies of these people getting baptized starts with "I've been raised in a Christian home" or "I've been coming to church all my life". But today I noticed another common comment from the same type of crowd: "I didn't have a relationship with Jesus" or "I fought my parents over why I had to come to church every Sunday" or "I was the trouble maker"
Heard it before?
I have. I've heard these type of testimonies over and over again.
But now they take on a new meaning to me. You see, I am a mother of 2 young kids now. They were born in a Christian home. They have been going to church since they were 2 weeks old. A lot of their friends have Christian parents. They know Santa is only a story and Jesus is the 'best present ever' (quotes from Samuel).
As I sat there listening, I wondered what my kids would say in 18 years, as part of the introduction to their testimonies.
I wondered if my kids will even be standing there giving their testimonies in 18 years time.
I wondered where my kids would be in 18 years. Period.
...and I prayed...and continue to pray.
I may think I have control over so many things as I raise these 2 bundles of joy (and tear sometimes). I may think I can guide their thoughts, their tastes, their habits...but ultimately, if I do have any control and am indeed guiding them somehow, I better be careful I devote my time in guiding them towards the things that really matter. What do I care most about in life? What does God care most about? Do these 2 questions generate the same answer for me?
It's not whether my son or daughter will become engineers and doctors, whether they will be pianists, or if they will speak 3-5 languages, or if they will date the 'right' man or woman.....
I care about their soul. I want them to know who they are in this world. I want them to have assurance beyond doubt that God loves them even more than me.
I want to give them assurance, confidence, love, trust, security. I want them to be anchored to the only thing that is worth living for: Jesus. I want them to have a solid core, not an empty one. And I know none of these things: careers, partners, talents and gifts, can give you.
Oh, I know I will make mistakes along the way, and so will my kids. But God will not.
I look forward to the day I can sit beside my husband, listening to both Samuel and Sarah give their testimonies of what God has done in their lives.
And I'm sure I will be gladly surprised.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 4:6
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5