Confessions of a Lazy Mom

Yes, you didn’t misread the title. Personally, one of the biggest things God spoke into my life while in Trujillo was the fact that I had gotten lazy about discipling and showing spiritual discipline to my own kids. What I saw in Peru As I saw how kids were able to, through the IncaLink ministries, learn to not just love God, and respect God, but to also develop ‘spiritual muscles’ in the form of Bible verse memorization, relays on finding Bible Passages, Reading the Word out loud, with pride, and with conviction and talking about things that come from God, I felt God was giving me a glimpse at my own life. Flashbacks I felt I went through time…and one of those girls was me. I remembered how more matured Christians had invested in my life to show me about what being a disciple was all about. I remembered how God used these people to show me vulnerability, community, but most of all, discipline, hard work, and focus. They pushed me to study God’s word...