I was so happy to hear our church reached our goal to send out 500 plus shoeboxes this last November through Operation Christmas Child (OCC). Even though I had participated in OCC for more than 15 years this was the first year OCC really made an impact in MY life. Here are three lessons I learned, and am still learning: Lesson #1: Yes, He can...and Yes, we can. I still remember when we first determined we'd set the 500 box goal - part of me did NOT think we'd ever reach that goal. After all, we had a congregation of about 280 people. But while I doubted, another part of me knew God was calling me to witness the way HE moves and does HIS work. It was so exciting when we realized, one week before our deadline, that we had ran out of boxes (we had ordered 500 boxes initially) and had to rush more boxes in! As I involved my kids in the packing of shoeboxes I also became much more conscious of the abundance of resources we have here. ...