Don't Stop
This short term missions trip is more than learning from God. It is more than learning about team building. It is more than just growing spiritual and it is definitely more than just doing some ‘good work’ so that we can report our trip was ‘worth it’
One of the things we continue to feel called to is to partner and share. Sharing and partnering is humbling. It reveals in us our desires to control, our pride, and our impatience
Sharing and partnering with others has been challenging to me. I’ll be honest. There has been many moments where I let frustration and my sinful desire to ‘do great things for God’ take over me. But over and over again the Spirit prompts me to fall down on my knees and to surrender it all to Him. All of it.
And then, one night, as I got home late, I saw a piece of paper and some stickers beside my bed. The kids had gone to bed and I didn’t get to say good night, but my daughter had managed to say good-night through a note.
The note said, “Dear mom, These stickers are for you. I overheard you saying about in Peru stickers are fancy for kids. I want to give them to you to give to the kids when you go on your missions trip”
Not only had she been hearing me talk with them, with others, at church, about our trip, she was responding to our call for partnership! She was sharing her stickers with the kids we will be sharing life with in Trujillo.
Yes, partnerships and sharing are things we are called to do…not because that is easy, but because that is the will of God and through which we gain a deeper glimpse at who God is, who we are, and what our role in bringing everybody to glorify Him is!!!
Keep on sharing
Keep on partnering
Keep on ‘overhearing’ us
And keep on passing the message on!