
Showing posts from April, 2020

Burst that bubble

It is so easy to become so comfortable.  I have a comfortable home.  I have space.  My family is healthy.  I still get a paycheck without having to drive in traffic or rush or wake up and dress up for work.  I have a trail behind my house where we can still enjoy fresh air.  Our diet and meals have not changed a lot.  Yes, and I have masks, disinfectants, flour, toilet paper, yeast and meat. But this week one of my old students wrote me this and it Burst my comfy suburban bubble. She wanted me to share this with others because she has now become a Christian.  She had never heard of God before but in the last while has become a follower of Christ. May her sharing burst your bubble, if needed, or give you courage to keep on serving Him, and may you join me in PRAISING GOD for HE IS FAITHFUL. ************************************************************** "I have financial problems and It bothered me for a while. For me, the most fru...

The new normal

Humans are highly adaptable people - more than probably we give ourselves credit for.  We are entering two months of being isolated.  No matter where you are in the world, you have/are probably experiencing some version of a lock down during these unprecedented times due to Covid19 When it all happened, everyone spoke about things being "surreal" and us being "shaken".  Being stripped of comforts we have here in the first world, some of us started feeling humbled by the realization we are not invincible. We missed our old normal, but many of us also shared that this was also God's way to  'wake us up'.   We felt that God was stripping all things that we have hung onto that were, well, preventing us to really be the person we are meant to be. So without a church to go to, we had to face the hard questions.  "What is church if there is no building to go to?"  "What is ministry if there is not place for us to execute programs?...

Covid19 - Stuck together

In our case, the first week things escalated in our city happened to coincide with our kids' March Break.  Our original plan was to do nothing since we had just had a big trip to South America the first week of January, before the breakout outside China, so things did not change a lot for us that first week.  Then the government escalated things and overnight I could feel the tension grow, especially when it was announced that the break would 'extend' by 2 weeks.  I also knew, having followed the news out of Asia from January onward, that it was highly probable that officials had announced 'two' weeks, not because they knew they would need 14 more days, but because announcing a month or two months isolation would break the system and cause panic. I also noticed this was, in some way, not uncharted territory:  I have been in this position before   - after I gave birth to my first born, I was practically in self-isolation (with a baby) for months.  So while...