The best gift I’ve ever had

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:11 View part of what I shared Today, I had my classes’ Christmas party. As it is becoming tradition, I share something with them to affirm them, encourage them and to challenge them. This year, as I prayed that God guide my thoughts and words to what he wanted me to say, He kept on directing me to the words Light and Presents/Gifts. I was scared to share. I was worried that someone would not like what I was saying; but I also felt strongly that my life-sharing with my students would speak loud and clear that what I was sharing was from my heart...and I asked a few dear warriors to pray for me. Some of my students have NEVER heard of the name Jesus. How can they choose to follow if they have never heard? Is just “living missionally” enough?...