Did you see what I see? - a year reflection

So it is Christmas....and soon enough, the end of the year. One of our family traditions is for me to put together a year review movie and to show it to family at our dinner gathering. But there is more to it than just putting together a slide. Putting this together takes me back to all the things we saw, did and learned in the year. So I find myself hearing God asking me... Did you see what I see? 1. What did you see in your son? He is no longer a baby. I know it's almost cliche to say it but time really does feel like it's flying by. It has been a year of discovering who he is and how to manage emotions God gave Him. It has been a year of finally being let to play Minecraft. I have seen him grow stronger in mind, body and spirit. We have journeyed with him through hard times of learning. We have been proud of him seeing him try his best and to face challenges in his early life head on. We have seen him discover new tal...