The Problem with Giving

I have been trying really hard to think of what to get my kids as presents this Christmas.

Even my son said, "Mom, I don't want any more Legos..I have too many"

But then, a few days later, he discovers "Lego Dimensions" and takes his words back.  "Those are not would be nice to have those"

We all are like my son.  So many of us have everything we least in the material sense.

During Christmas time (or Birthdays) it has become a HEADACHE to think of SOMETHING the kids would love seeing under the tree because very few things will bring real surprise and joy.

And I'm not saying that is their problem.  We, adults, have the same problem.

If you were to ask me what I'd love for Christmas...I wouldn't know.  If I want something, I go and buy it myself.  I have very few things I can truly say I want but I can't get.

We have lost a sense of understanding of the true meaning of Gift Giving

Giving should remind us that we have Much, and therefore, we wish to Share

Receiving a gift should be about knowing someone else was thinking of us (not as headaches) and took the time and effort to go and shop around, all the while thinking fondly of us, and what we would love to receive

If part of giving presents on Christmas day is to remind us of the ultimate Gift God gave us (His Son), then it should be sacrificial; not out of our extras.  The point here is that we do not think of giving to ourselves FIRST.  We think of THEM first.

Perhaps it should not be FIRST about how many deals I can get, or extra points I can get, or how much tax refund I would earn.

Perhaps giving should hurt a bit to remind us of how great of a gift God gave us.

And receiving a gift that hurt a bit would shed light on the ultimate sacrifice God gave to humankind.

A gift should symbolize love, care, surprise...with no strings attached

But we have everything we want and care for...and if we don't have it, we go and get it ourselves.
We even teach our kids to save their pocket money so that they can get it someday themselves.

And yet....we forget that Giving is more than just Material things.

There is so much more we can Give aside from Material things we can get online or at the mall.

It will take more time.  More effort.

It will be less convenient.

It might cost us more than our money.

It will require you to THINK of the person you are giving and to ask truthfully, would you really know what they want for Christmas?  Do you really know them?

You see, there are so many people out there that can go get what they want, in material form, but who are searching to experience real love, care, warmth, belonging, and much more...and who are lonely, desperate, helpless and sad

So many people wish people wish to get:
- The Gift of people's Time
- The Gift of people's Attention
- The Gift of a word of encouragement
- The Gift of a HUG

These gifts may be FREE but oddly enough, even though it's free, it is less convenient, more awkward, less comfortable.

Not too many Choose to Get these FREE gifts to give

And if you and I have FREELY been GIVEN by God, why would we not FREELY GIVE?

But there are also many people, perhaps OUTSIDE OUR SOCIAL CIRCLES, who CANNOT get whatever they need.  They barely have money in their bank accounts.  They are living on a shoestring budget.  They may have lost their jobs just before Christmas.

And they may look just like you and me.

What would they want for Christmas?

Last year our group helped a family by giving them a Christmas hamper...what really impressed on me was not the 'extras' we gave them (a microwave and some gift cards for the teenage kids).  It was the everyday stuff they were grateful for:  toilet paper, pasta, shampoo.

That was a GIFT for them.

If Christmas is about HOPE, LOVE and JOY....

Do our presents remind those we are giving of HOPE, LOVE and JOY?

What kind of Christmas gifts are we fixated on getting and giving this year?

As the old song says:
He said 'Freely, freely you have received;, freely, freely give. 
Go in my name, and because you believe others will know that I live. 

*** UPDATE:  My daughter just asked me to record her reading one of my favourite Chrismtas Books.  Take a look.  It really teaches/reminds us a lot about giving.


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