Lemonade with purpose
So my kids had this "Grand idea" . They wanted me to help them do a lemonade sale with a lemonade stand. I wasn't thrilled at first. My first thoughts were simply that I would end up doing all the work. I really didn't want to do it and had hoped this idea would leave the kids minds soon. But they kept on asking...and asking....and asking. So eventually I gave in. You can see the journey here . In the process, though, I have learned so much . At first I was worried about me being the person who would end up doing all the work. I also worried that I encouraged them to give the money for missions instead of just letting them do whatever with the money they earned. Was I a lazy mom? Was I pushy? Was I using them to push my own agenda? Did everything HAVE to have a purpose? Why couldn't I just let them have pure fun? But you see, I learned about what parenting is all about this week. Of course it is goo...