
Showing posts from March, 2016

Interesting signs

We just came back from a 15 day trip to Hong Kong with the family.  My brain and body is still too exhausted and jet lagged to post anything substantial. But during the trip I set myself to try to capture the culture of signage in other countries. I have been fascinated at how signage reflects culture and worldviews and societal norms.  I might be wrong but there are a lot more signs in Asia compared to North America.  And the signs are much more explicit and often come with a warning of clear consequences that results in monetary penalties.  I started noticing these differences here in Canada.  For example, while a public gym might say "Indoor shoes only" (assuming the reader understands the owner needs to protect the special flooring, that they hope we all cooperate to share a public space, and to know the difference between indoor and outdoor shoes), a gym where more Asians go to might say "No outdoor shows allowed" followed by a list of all the different s...

Giving Cheerfully

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7 I learned what giving as an act of worship really means a couple of weeks ago.  I saw it exemplified by my daughter.  This is an account of what happened and she has given me permission to share it with you. A couple of months ago we brought our kids with us to a revival service in our church.  I didn't expect my kids to participate other than through worship songs so they were well prepared with their books and ipads.  I wanted them to just be quiet and respectful during the service. And they were....but I also realized they were listening and watching. I honestly don't remember much about the sermon, but I do remember that while the preacher was preaching, at different points in the sermon my daughter would ask me, in her whisper,  "mom, do you think God knows I love him?" And th...