Interesting signs
We just came back from a 15 day trip to Hong Kong with the family. My brain and body is still too exhausted and jet lagged to post anything substantial. But during the trip I set myself to try to capture the culture of signage in other countries.
I have been fascinated at how signage reflects culture and worldviews and societal norms. I might be wrong but there are a lot more signs in Asia compared to North America. And the signs are much more explicit and often come with a warning of clear consequences that results in monetary penalties. I started noticing these differences here in Canada. For example, while a public gym might say "Indoor shoes only" (assuming the reader understands the owner needs to protect the special flooring, that they hope we all cooperate to share a public space, and to know the difference between indoor and outdoor shoes), a gym where more Asians go to might say "No outdoor shows allowed" followed by a list of all the different shoes NOT allowed (pictures included)
Here are a few selections from the trip. Have fun and let me know what you think!
1. This is the first sign I saw coming out of the a taxi. I loved that it says you only commit offences IF a seat belt is available in the car. I guess cars don't have to follow standards? And isn't it great? Install a seat belt, and catch clients who don't wear a could require them to pay their fare without taking them to the destination?
There were lots of other IF signs too. "If you drink, don't drive" (as opposed to our "Don't drink and drive", and commercials on needing to buckle up IF cars had seat belts)
4. Asian's are technologically more savvy...right? Maybe their machines are more advanced. Beware.
6. Penalties everywhere.
10. There is nothing wrong with this sign - except I saw this in most of the exhibits at the Science Museum - designed clearly with children in mind.
....and we don't ENJOY the exhibits...we OPERATE them :D
13. I often thought of how inaccessible a lot of the buildings are - though I admit the new buildings in Hong Kong are a lot more accessible now. I saw this in a new mall. Might be British English? Not sure...but I just found the word "barrier" interesting. I guess regular washrooms have lots of barriers.
Someone confused the use of countable and uncountable senses in the word "opinion"...and this from McDonalds....and...we can give our views on questions...not issues :D
I have been fascinated at how signage reflects culture and worldviews and societal norms. I might be wrong but there are a lot more signs in Asia compared to North America. And the signs are much more explicit and often come with a warning of clear consequences that results in monetary penalties. I started noticing these differences here in Canada. For example, while a public gym might say "Indoor shoes only" (assuming the reader understands the owner needs to protect the special flooring, that they hope we all cooperate to share a public space, and to know the difference between indoor and outdoor shoes), a gym where more Asians go to might say "No outdoor shows allowed" followed by a list of all the different shoes NOT allowed (pictures included)
Here are a few selections from the trip. Have fun and let me know what you think!
1. This is the first sign I saw coming out of the a taxi. I loved that it says you only commit offences IF a seat belt is available in the car. I guess cars don't have to follow standards? And isn't it great? Install a seat belt, and catch clients who don't wear a could require them to pay their fare without taking them to the destination?
There were lots of other IF signs too. "If you drink, don't drive" (as opposed to our "Don't drink and drive", and commercials on needing to buckle up IF cars had seat belts)
2. Love the specificity of the sign - not all hats are equal
3. My kids had a lot of fun differentiating British English from North American English. The British really 'mind' a lot of things. And in Hong Kong, there are signs to tell you what to 'mind' everywhere. Quite literally
Most "Mind your head" signs are ON the spot people would potentially hit their heads. That seemed funny to me - hit your head, look up, Oh, it said I should be careful about this.
4. Asian's are technologically more savvy...right? Maybe their machines are more advanced. Beware.
5. Machines move, and vehicles wait. And beware, if your vehicle is waiting for you, the police might prosecute it without giving it (or you) any warning. Check your mail often
6. Penalties everywhere.
7. Crocs seem very popular in Hong Kong this time....There are special signs on cautioning against croc-wearing in escalators everywhere
8. I just thought it was interesting a) the way they put 'car' under the number and b) how 'quiet' a quiet car really is
9. I was too embarrassed to pause to take some pictures....but we saw these signs often as you step up into a restaurant on 2nd floors. ... With each step you see more warnings. I know you are hungry, but don't rush....and again...'mind' your step....
10. There is nothing wrong with this sign - except I saw this in most of the exhibits at the Science Museum - designed clearly with children in mind.
....and we don't ENJOY the exhibits...we OPERATE them :D
11. Not obvious I guess for some people. Barrier = Do not pass. Dropped barrier = Pass? I'm not going to go into the grammar mistake here.
12. I wondered about the signs that say you should go somewhere in the train stations if you feel unwell. I am not sure what the purpose of that is. Go home if you are sick?
14. Literacy skills have to be higher here. Isn't this the same as saying "Use fishing gear with caution"? I find a lot of signs give you explicit reasons why they are there. I overheard once a person complain about how late our ferry was (mere 5 min late). He stayed there complaining until the staff describe the ENTIRE reason why the ferry was not there yet.
16. You know I had to have a few signs on the language itself, being an English teacher myself. Sorry, I just can't help it. My kids saw this and being that we had been eating a lot of exotic foods during the trip they pointed at the sign and said to me "ewww". They actually thought the noodles had flies in them :D
Someone forgot that "water" can be a verb too....and it will mean something different
17. Saw this and thought, "Great! no more "mind"!" trip to McDonalds may be hazardous....beware!
18. Saw this on our way home at the airport. The line for families is a "channel" and a family is defined as one with children (as opposed to saying "families with children")...
19. Love the culturally relevant sign - There is hot drinking water in the airport...
20. Last but not least...I kid you not...Saw this at the Science Museum