Vacation Bible Schools - Do they really matter?

Do you know what VBS stands for? If you grew up in the church, any church, you would know. Or at least you would know the concept. I grew up in South America, so I knew VBS as EBDV (Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones) During VBS, kids go to church for one straight full week. They either spend an entire day there every day or half a day every day. They have fun, they learn about Jesus, they make crafts, they play and run around, they make new friends and they sing lots of fun songs. And before you know it, it is all over. And for parents, let's be honest, is 3 to 6 hours a day not needing to hear siblings fighting, or the ever dreaded "I'm so bored" comments. For the volunteers at these churches, it means pumping yourself up and getting ready to be completely exhausted after 5 days. Last year I was amongst many who started wondering if all the energy, resources and people required to run a VBS was worth it. Would it be more worthwhile devoting the t...