Vacation Bible Schools - Do they really matter?

Do you know what VBS stands for?

If you grew up in the church, any church, you would know.  Or at least you would know the concept.  I grew up in South America, so I knew VBS as EBDV (Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones)

During VBS, kids go to church for one straight full week.  They either spend an entire day there every day or half a day every day.  They have fun, they learn about Jesus, they make crafts, they play and run around, they make new friends and they sing lots of fun songs.

And before you know it, it is all over.

And for parents, let's be honest, is 3 to 6 hours a day not needing to hear siblings fighting, or the ever dreaded "I'm so bored" comments.

For the volunteers at these churches, it means pumping yourself up and getting ready to be completely exhausted after 5 days.

Last year I was amongst many who started wondering if all the energy, resources and people required to run a VBS was worth it.  Would it be more worthwhile devoting the time and money to visitation? How about running other programs in the community?  Has VBS become the 'Christian babysitting service of choice during summer vacations'?  Why do churches even do it?  Can we imagine life at church without VBS?

Those were the questions running in my mind.  And I was beginning to doubt the need/use of running such a big 'production', especially in churches where we are struggling to even find volunteers to hand in bulletins before service.

And then, He answered.

I signed my kids up for our church's VBS program last year.  And I was planning to NOT invite any neighbours - after all, I told myself, why would anyone NOT from our church want to go "that far" 4 times a day (drop off and go home, pick up and go home) every day for 5 days?

So I didn't tell anyone...even though I told my kids they would have an amazing time.

And then, just about a week before the deadline, something nudged my heart to cause me to email my neighbour (yes, I could have easily knocked on their door! - but this is how UNCOMMITTED I felt) about this VBS.  I sent them the information but ABSOLUTELY did not expect anything back

Imagine my surprise when they wrote back saying they would be ecstatic to send their kids!

That was just the beginning of this story.

Summer came and we were all immersed into our summer plans, trips, outings, etc.  VBS happened, like it happens every year.

And by the end of the summer - I just thought it would be nice to stop by the neighbour's home for a short visit.

To my SHOCK....the minute they saw me they couldn't stop talking about their kids' experience at VBS.  Not only did the kids loved it - here is the shocker...they said they noticed a CHANGE in their kids after going to VBS.  And, it was their kids' HIGHLIGHT of the summer.

Really!?, I thought.

The parents were so happy about this change (notice, they didn't tell me they were so happy someone babysat for their kids for such a cheap price), it was infectious (Jesus? are you doing something here?).  They asked the kids to retell them the stories they learned, and they listened to the CD they got in their van EVERY DAY now, and the parents sing the songs too!

I felt like I was witnessing a dream - was this real?

But it was real.  God was showing me an answer to all my questions about VBS right there - HE still uses VBS to CHANGE people's lives.  That those 'fun' and 'silly' songs are being used as venues to spread the HOPE that comes from Him to others.  That the 'stories' are not just nice "once upon a time stories' with nice morals in them.

They are alive!!!

As I'm trying to digest all of this - in the span of probably less than 5 minutes,  the family announces one more thing that completely floored me.

"Because of these changes we see in the kids, and of the stories and songs, and the phone calls your church made to us (they called just to confirm registration!), we talked and we decided we'd like to attend church on Sundays"

Is this really happening, Lord?  How did they even link VBS with going to church every Sunday?

The family has not been able to plug into a local church yet, but I know the Lord has set His eyes on them.  I know a day will come when they will know God's love as their own.

For now?  My job is simply to live life with them.

Jesus can be contagious, after all.

And to you, VBS volunteer...I pray you never lose sight of How and What God might be doing through you.  I pray that you will remember that all the fancy crafts, songs, skits, etc. are important, but how you share those 3-6 hrs a day with those kids will be the MOST important thing you do.

To you, VBS parent...I pray we never lose sight that God changes people's lives through VBS.  VBS is not just a Christian babysitting service.  It is a ministry God can use to change kids and their families.

And to the rest of you - would you pray for any or all VBS programs in your city this summer?  Most likely than not, plans are already in progress and our churches need us to pray for them.

God reminded me, once again, that there are neighbours out there whose kids literally sit in their homes all summer.  They may not have the resources to send them to this and that camp.  They may not know of all the services available to them.  The bottom line, something like VBS could be their highlight of the summer.

I was humbled to remember that a simple thing like a 'free CD' with Christian music isn't just another CD on top of the piles and piles of music my kids have.  For some, it is a treasure.

No matter what your role is this summer....I pray that the Lord would open our eyes so that we may see as He sees.  That we may feel as He feels.  And that we may do as He would want you to do.

And about VBS...

I guess you can say, after all, I am a believer.


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