Ordinary Parent, Ordinary Days, Ordinary Kid

******* My kid....MY KID...got in trouble....Many times this week. S-I-G-H As one of the teachers said, incredulous, "YOUR kid?" Yes, MY KID. He had misbehaved 3 times in 2 days. One of the infractions got him into the principal's office. S-I-G-H Sandy, YOUR kid is ordinary. He makes mistakes. He is not perfect. Why is this so hard to accept? ********* All of us dream that our kids will turn out fine and become amazing and extraordinary human beings. Though we say our kids aren't perfect, deep inside, we hold onto the dream that perhaps...just perhaps... they could be immune to sin, to faltering, and to simply being less than perfect. We have embraced the dream and have rejected the journey to get them there. We have, in turn, converted what was designed to be a journey of witnessing a miracle happen (ie. transformation from ordinary to extraordinary) and chosen every day to wish and believe our kids will not n...