Teaching Seniors

I have been volunteering to teach English to a group of Korean seniors at a local church. I have had very few experiences with seniors myself so I was excited (and nervous) when this opportunity came up. Here are a few things I learned. 1) Some things never change. My students are seniors but it doesn't mean I will have to lessen my preparation time. I found the lesson preparation time and the foundations about running a successful class the same. Underneath this dangerous mentality, though (Teaching seniors will be easier) there might be a dangerous underlying false mentality, which leads me to point #2 2) Respect the seniors. Unfortunately, I think I live in a culture where the value of the elderly is decreasing at an alarming rate. Truth be told, many people believe, perhaps subconsciously, that seniors are only slow, stubborn. They might view seniors as hindrances more than anything else. Though seniors can b...