Dreams Shattered

I didn't sleep well last night. My eyes were stubbornly unwilling to stay closed. My heart was stubbornly unwilling to stop feeling. My head was stubbornly unwilling to shut down. Instead, on on and off, all night long, my mind wanders to one word: DREAMS But when I go to my dreams, I find the room EMPTY Why is the room empty? Why can't I remember them? What were my dreams? Is the pain, fear and disappointment I feel right now proof that dreams have been shattered? But if they are shattered, why can't I see bits and pieces of the dreams on the floor? What exactly are those broken pieces on the floor? For the life of me, I couldn't name them all night long. I just felt I was walking on broken glass. I was still walking and moving, but I was also bleeding internally, hemorrhaging. But I keep looking. What exactly is broken? I don't know. So this morning I went back to my own blogs and se...