The day the world changed

I woke up as I always do, in my basement suite, in Vancouver, and headed to get ready for another day at work downtown. It was a nice day; the skies were blue and I was enjoying living in Vancouver and not needing to commute every day from Langley. As usual, I turned on the TV and started to get breakfast ready. My go-to show was always the news. But something was amiss this morning. There were breaking news in all the channels. Was it another hit and run? or an earthquake or hurricane? or perhaps a coup in some country? What I saw instead was a picture of grey smoke in a blue sky backdrop. My mind couldn't quite understand what I was seeing; it took me a while to really comprehend the repercussions of what I was seeing. The anchors kept saying "the World Trade tower" and "New York City"; I knew these words had something to do with me; but from the TV, everything just felt fake, far, and foreign. Then it hit me...and panic set in....