I see colour
As a third world kid, I always struggled to find a niche. My dream was always to blend in. But before you say anything, let me speak up. This went deeper than a teenager's desire to fit in and find her place in her world. When I say I wanted to blend in, I mean exactly that...I didn't want to stand out. No matter how much I tried, no matter how fluent my Spanish was, no matter how culturally relevant I had learned to become....I would always be Chinese first to my friends. You might smirk at what I'm about to say, because I know it doesn't jive well in our North American psyche. But I still remember...I must have been in my tween years. Our home's dining room had wall to wall mirrors. And though I don't remember the context of the meeting, I remember my mom holding the two palms of her hand to the two sides of my face. She forced me to look at myself in the mirror and asked me: "What do you see?" I got angry at mom and tried to bru...