Hidden and Forgotten Tears

As I witnessed the kids growing and develop their own uniqueness and take their individual journeys, I was baffled by my reactions to their failures, challenges and set backs. I couldn't understand why it was affecting me so much. I was sitting in the therapist's room when I posed this question to her. I understood that the journey was theirs to walk through, but I was puzzled on why their negative experiences had such a stronghold and power over me. She asked me tell her more. I told of how seeing one of my kids struggle over math homework and the frustration following caused me to shiver. I retold of times when my husband, the math go-to person in the family, tried to explain things to the kid with little or no success and .. .the tears! t he lifting the hands up to the air and the 'leaving the scene' instances caused my heart to shred into pieces every time. I retold of the time when I had awaken in the morning ready for a new day and had asked God t...