
Showing posts from January, 2019

Hidden and Forgotten Tears

As I witnessed the kids growing and develop their own uniqueness and take their individual journeys, I was baffled by my reactions to their failures, challenges and set backs.  I couldn't understand why it was affecting me so much. I was sitting in the therapist's room when I posed this question to her.  I understood that the journey was theirs to walk through, but I was puzzled on why their negative experiences had such a stronghold and power over me. She asked me tell her more.  I told of how seeing one of my kids struggle over math homework and the frustration following caused me to shiver.  I retold of times when my husband, the math go-to person in the family, tried to explain things to the kid with little or no success and .. .the tears! t he lifting the hands up to the air and the 'leaving the scene' instances caused my heart to shred into pieces every time. I retold of the time when I had awaken in the morning ready for a new day and had asked God t...


The last 4 months have been a period of learning and stretching, and as I call it now, a time of 're-wiring’ some of the misplaced wires in my brain, my heart, my soul and my life.  Sometimes the mind does tricks to you and now, four months after the battles and the hard work put into re- wiring , I look back and I sometimes wonder if I was ever, as Anne of Green Gables would say, in the “depths of despair” Oh, but I was. And so, I will attempt to write down all I've experienced, as best and as humbly as I can, first, for my own benefit (because I WILL forget and will begin to doubt if they all just happened in my mind) and also hopefully, for you, whoever you are, so that it may inspire you to journey on. Summer happened, and I shared happy memories to everyone on Facebook.  I shared great adventures with friends over coffee, and I even enjoyed all the blessings I had.  But as I tried to explain it to my husband in early August, despite all my prayers, attempt...