Facing Death

Last week was Chin Ming or Tomb Sweeping Day. For years I'd wondered what a Christian response to this Chinese tradition ought to be. When I was younger, this was not an issue. Growing up overseas, and being mostly among Christians, it seemed my parents had decided to completely bury this festival. As a result, I grew up with mythological ideas of what it was, but with very few facts. As I grew up and met more friends of Chinese origin, I started learning about their traditions and the very real challenges they faced in venerating the dead and complying with family expectations versus church expectations. I also started noticing a lack of conversation about the topic. Instead, it felt more like an either or choice. In fact, what ended up happening was that every individual struggled through the decision and went through it behind closed doors. I believe there was/is a stigma in our church culture - mentioning your struggle over th...