Suzuki Summer Institute - Tips and Lessons

My 6 year old decided to draw this on Day 3 Our family went to our second Suzuki Summer Institute this year. Two years ago we decided these music camps are worth the effort and sacrifice so we set out a goal to try to attend one every 2 years . This time we went to the I AM Festival (Indy Arts and Music) in Indianapolis and we had such an amazing time. The institute is very well run and we thoroughly enjoyed the venue, the staff, the families, the classes and even the hotel and the city. Suzuki Camp 101 If you don't know what these are here are a few pointers I know I would have appreciated knowing. 1. A Suzuki Summer Institute is basically a summer music camp. Usually 5 days long 2. You don't drop off your kids at camp. Everyone (including parents) go and participate actively. If your child has been learning an instrument using the Suzuki method/repertoire, you will understand why parent involvement would be a no brainer ...