The Debate over Sex-Education

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”: FDR’s First Inaugural Address UPDATE: Since I posted this many have asked me to share some of the material I have found - Scroll down to end to find some links. Thanks! Out of the blue my kid asks, "Mom, where do babies come from?" "What do you mean?" I responded, scared of the next question coming my way "You know, I know they are in your belly, but HOW exactly do they come out? .... I'm speechless and I fire a quick look at my husband. For once, we share telepathy and the message was clear "You answer it" the kid continues...."you know, babies are big, they are too big to come out from the belly button" after many back and forth glances, I send the kid to his dad "Just trust me. We will tell you when you are ready" - was all we both could muttered. A few years later... "Mom, how do babies come out again?" "Oh no! here we go again! And my hus...