
Showing posts from 2014

The Lam’s 2014 top ten list

Another year has come and gone.  Another year full of adventures in the Lam household!  Here are our top ten in 2014!!!! Wishing you all the GIFT of FAITH , the BLESSING of HOPE , and the PEACE of HIS LOVE this Christmas and onto the New Year!  Love, Stephen, Sandy, Samuel and Sarah CLICK HERE for our Family Video! ( CLICK HERE FOR Paper Version of this year end update ) 10.  We are grateful for overall health in the family.  Thank you for your prayers! 9.  With the kids being older now, we have been able to go out on more adventures and discoveries.  In 2014 we tried camping and Tobogganing for the first time!! 8.  We are so thankful for opportunities to reconnect with old friends from Peru, Vancouver, New York City and Calgary who were visiting in Toronto. 7.  Hello and Goodbyes.  We’re excited about the new friends we’ve made this year and thankful for continued relationships .  2014 m...

Disney' Wonder-ful Adventure

So, we just got home from a wonderful vacation on the Disney Wonder Cruise Ship.  Lots to say, lots to share!!! 1.  The Silver How can you afford it? Some may ask.  Yes, Disney Cruises are a bit more than usual, but in our family's opinion, every penny is worth it.  It works for us.   I blogged all about budgeting and making these cruise vacations happen even on a tight budget here TIP If you think you might even consider another cruise trip, book while onboard.  You get 10% off and onboard credits based on how many nights your next cruise will be.  The deposit is minimal and it is fully refundable.  You can't lose with that. 2.  The Ship I knew we had booked on the older smaller ship of the 4 fleets Disney has.  And considering that we were on the newest bigger ship the Fantasy 2 years ago, I was a little weary but we decided to give it a try. When we got to the terminal, we were indeed a little nervo...