Ice Storm 2013
I experienced our first ice storm ever. And it did not disappoint. I admit I could have been more prepared - we really lucked out that we had lots of candles lying around, that my 7 year old had an 'explorers' flashlight in the toy box and that my iphone was charged. The ipad was half charged and the computers had some battery left. And yes....we were very thankful for our gas stove! (though we realized we needed to start the stove as it uses electricity to start it!) Our backyard deck We woke up Sunday morning to find out we had lost power sometime in the middle of the night. The house was cold but bearable. We were thankful aside from the power, the water was still working. So we tried to keep things as 'normal' as possible for the family. My husband even managed to make pancakes for breakfast! And for lunch? We had sushi last night so we just gave it to the kids! No need to heat anything :D The ice storm wa...