
Last weekend my husband and I spent our second overnight getaway ever since we had kids. This time we just booked a chic hotel downtown with a deal I saw online several months ago. We were going to keep things simple - after all, all we wanted was to just relax and take things easy. So we thought. But in a matter of only 4 hours I started noticing how 'complicated' our 'simple' life have gotten. It was interesting the things I 'noticed' once we left my comfortable, convenient and conventional suburban life and neighbourhood: Parking - once in the underground parking, you have to really know how the 'system' works. Park by the machine, click on the button, take the ticket, the garage door opens and drive into it. Then read all the signs of all the options as to where one direction will take you as opposed to the other, and try to figure out where is the closest spot by the hotel elevator. Read your ticket to see if you leave it on your dash...