Yes, and just like that, 2020 is over and we have flipped the page to a very unpredictable, mind-boggling and challenging year. Covid-19 was not in our plans but soon after the year began, it took over everything in our lives.People ask me why I still bother writing these yearly 'letters' and why still send out cards to our families and friends. They are valid questions but my answer is always the same: I gain a lot in pausing and reflecting back. In order to write this, I go through our pictures, think back to all that we did, and reflect on who we have become. I don't usually make new year's resolutions, but I suppose I prefer to make end-of-year reflections.
I also know relationships take time, conscious effort, and willingness to share. Everyone yearns to belong and connect, especially during this time of isolation and lockdown; but although we all long for it, it is not automatic; we don't feel belonging and connection just by wishing it.
So here is a bit of our recap.
January 2020, in the desserts in coastal Peru |
We were in Peru when we counted down to welcome 2020. At the time we had no idea what the year would become but I am so thankful we had an opportunity to go to Peru. It was a trip of a lifetime (you are read more about it here). I cherish that night when our kids met and hung out with my cousins and their kids; when we listened to my aunt retell us stories from years past and when we spontaneously went to the beach at midnight and "tried" to light up and release lanterns up to the sky. We tried to light 12 lanterns and probably managed to send maybe 4 or 5. In hindsight, that should have been a sign life would be challenging in 2020.COVID CHANGES OUR LIVES
Online piano classes |
As Covid arrived, we found ourselves needing to adjust. My husband had the least changes needed for work since he usually works from home anyways. In fact, his car has been in storage all this time! The kids moved to learning online but we are thankful the transition was mostly smooth. Aside from missing friends and moving around, they moved on. I was thankful our school board allowed our adult ESL classes to also switch online.
Soon after everything switched online, I realized the importance of staying connected with my students. It has been said many times. Some students shared being able to spend 3 hours every day was what got them out of bed! In addition to the class, it has been such a wonderful privilege to do other classes as students asked me to help: citizenship preparation, typing, private tutoring and guess what...Bible!I have been reading the book of Psalms with some people who asked me to help them understand the Bible. We started in March and we have been going through it verse by verse and are almost done the entire book! It has been such a great time.
Adjusting to 'together'
Aside from work and school, the other adjustment was with each other. Suddenly, and despite the fact that we knew 'we should be thankful we can spend more time as a family' there were many days in the early days of the lockdown where I (and I am sure everyone else) longed for more alone time or a time where the house was quiet and/or where we were not together. We adjusted eventually to balance time in our own niches and corners in our house, with forcing ourselves out to be together and do things together.Hiking and exercise
You all know we are not the exercise type. But being mostly at home (Stephen does groceries), 2020 forced us to make efforts to go outside. We are thankful to be living in an area where exploring the outdoors is not hard and enjoyed seeing the changing of the seasons all year long!
Like most, days merged into weeks and weeks into months. We are thankful the Covid-19 numbers went down in the summer. We had originally cancelled our yearly camping trip and even cancelled beach trips. Towards August, we decided to try things out for a night going farther away and into campsites less popular. We loved it and we ventured a second time a few weeks later. We brought along with us my brother and it was a time full of fun and relaxation.
Oestler Lake - we had the beach all for ourselves! |
Testing to see if we could camp safely |
Thankful to just be out |
Killbear PP. Sunrise |
Hike to the lighthouse |
At campsite |
Sunset |
First day of High School |
2020 also marked the end of our son's elementary school years. He was saddened that he could not share the special time with his teachers and classmates, but we are thankful the school organized an online celebration and teachers came by with his diploma, awards and just to say "good job!" Sam also started High School in September, and so far things have been going well. We are thankful for a team of people who have been praying for him and supporting him. |
Going to school (first day), Covid style |
GOOD-BYEs and Heartaches
I've had to say "goodbye" to a lot of people in 2020. At first, I think it just felt surreal, especially because we are not allowed to attend funerals and thus, not having closure the way we are used to makes it feel strange. I've said goodbye to family, friends and even children. The sheer amount of passings have really reminded me to live in the moment.
Of course, seeing all the covid case and death numbers are hard. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to live in a hot zone, or be cooped up in an apartment, or be in country with no access to healthcare or to have family pass away from it. But even though I've had my share of moments of fear, I am reminded that God is our strength. 2020 has been a sobering and humbling year. A year where God has taught me to be still and know He is God. A year to learn to embrace pain and loss and a year to experience joy alongside with pain.
With us not being able to share the way we are used to, we found new ways: Sarah has perfected her homemade breads, we baked Christmas cookies for friends, we cooked, packed and delivered Thanksgiving and Christmas meals to families, I livestream baking 'classes' amongst other things. We are grateful for these opportunities.
I hear a lot of people saying "when Covid is over." Perhaps as I wrap this year, the 'resolution' is to continue adjusting, embracing and living life despite Covid. 2020 has been challenging in so many ways, but it has allowed us to stretch, to focus on our mental and physical health, and to be more flexible.
We are thankful for your friendship and pray you may also be able to live out every moment in 2021. Stay healthy, stay safe, but do not forget to continue living on!
Christmas time |
Memorable mentions:
Cooking together |
Preparing meals for families |
Sarah's perfect bread |