Recipe: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

 In the middle of the pandemic, I had visited a friend who had a big property.  The previous owners had been avid gardeners and had left a lot of 'goodies' my friend was benefiting from.  I had never seen the rhubarb plant and was fascinated when she showed it to me.  I remember its taste.  In my early years in Canada, many families would invite me to their homes and for dessert I remembered them serving me something very red and sour.  Well, I found out my kids had never seen nor eaten it, so I decided to ask my friend for some 'samples' and made this pie.


Strawberry Rhubarb Pie


Ivy said…
The taste of this pie was awfully amazing; sweet and tangy, but the crust I made wasn't pretty well.
Ivy said…
The taste of this pie was awfully amazing; sweet and tangy, but the crust I made wasn't quite well.

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