
Showing posts from October, 2019

Curious Missional Memories

What gives us clues that some things in life impacted us more than others?  How do you know some things mattered more than others?  Do you see how those impacts affected and shaped who you are? Have you ever gone on a missions trip or been in the field to do compassion work, whether it be with a Christian organization or charity? Have you ever wondered what was noticed ?  What really mattered to the people you came into contact with? What do they remember most? I have some very curious missional memories .  I grew up on the receiving end.  I grew up meeting people who had told us their homes were in Hong Kong, Canada and the United States.  I grew up meeting "foreigners".  We call them now MISSIONARIES or INTERNATIONAL WORKERS, but to me, they were just known by name. I grew up with LESS to offer and MORE to receive, and that allowed me to LEARN some valuable things about how to LIVE OUT LOUD for JESUS. At the time, I was on...