Peking Duck WRAPPERS

Hubby the chef has discovered a new recipe!  Since some have asked I thought of asking the chef for the recipe so that I can post it here and share with everyone! Enjoy!


1 cup flour + 1 cup hot water
1 cup flour + 3/4 cup cold water


1.  Mix the 2 ingredients in a bowl and knead

2.  Wrap the dough with plastic wrap

3.  Let the dough rest for about 30 min

4.  Break the dough into 2 equal parts

5.  Shape dough into a ring.  Cut them into equal pieces.  Tit should make about 20

6.  Roll each cut out into rounds and then using a rolling pin, roll them into a circle (like a tortilla).  Use flour to help you roll them thinly

7.  Heat a steamer.  Place one rolled wrapper onto the steamer every 1-3 minutes.  One after another one (Stack them) - Do NOT stack more than 10-15 at a time.

8.  Take them out and place them onto a plate.  Serve hot

* If you have to wait til dinner, you could place a clean damp cloth to keep them soft
* The bottom wrapper might be discarded
* We tried freezing the extras - they were fine.



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