Travel ... Not Trouble Series: Children's Museums

Traveling with 2 kids under 10 is a challenge, but I refuse to think that we cannot explore and create family memories. Ever since the kids have been around 2 we have taken them on road trips. I share what I've learned about family friendly road trips HERE (sorry, no link is still in the works) I love museums, and ever since having kids I discovered there is this thing called "kids' museums", for the last few years we have been visiting big and small ones and my impressions on them are based on our experience visiting them with 2 children who usually do not travel well. General Tips: One year we purchased a one year membership so that we could visit other children's museums for free or for a fraction of their costs. For about $120 - 150 you can get a year membership (every museum has their own fees). This gives you access to all the ACM (Association of Children's Museums) in the world. I would recommend to purchase a membership of...