What a Social Media Frenzy caused me to do this week

If you are at all connected with social media you would at least be aware of the newest trend:  the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for ALS Research.

I was on vacation all last week but even then, I noticed friends and friends of friends posting videos of themselves being poured ice water into themselves and then challenging other people to do the same (and to follow up with donating to the ALS Association.

So far I have not been nominated - and I wondered what that means - but seeing so many people participate caused me to act.

First, I thought it was intriguing seeing so many people being willing to not only go through the challenge but supposedly taking action to donate.

Then, I wondered how many of those people took time to learn about ALS and what it is (beside a 2 liner explanation)

And how many people took the time to reflect on their response as they learned about the disease.

And then many other thoughts started pouring in... (sorry, no pun intended)

How intriguing it is to see what it takes nowadays to cause us here in North America to take action.  So far, I have not noticed any of my international friends take up on the challenge.  What does it say about us?  Or, does it say anything at all?  We used to be touched by a life story, a tag line, a challenge to act.  Now, it seems, a challenge to friends to do something we would not usually be up to is the best way to spur others into action?  And oh, let's not forget, the Ice Bucket Challenge would not work if you did not have to POST it Online for everyone to see it first.

Pause.  Think about it.  You don't have to agree or disagree.  I just ask you to think about it.

Then, there is the issue of longevity.  So far the ALS Association has received $62.5 million US Dollars in the States from this campaign.  (I don't know if the Canadian branch is related, but I think so)A number I'm sure lots of other charities would envy.  But how many of the over 2 million people who have posted (assuming they have read up on ALS and ALS Association and Donated too) will continue to be interested in supporting this cause? Or, will it require instead another campaign for the same 2 million people to do something again next time?  What happened to sticking around in the long run?

Pause.  Think about it.  I know opponents will counter saying one time action is better than inaction.  And actually I agree only half heartedly.  Is it better than inaction?

Which leads me to the third thought of the day - assuming the action is paired with education.  How many of the ice bucketeers would be able to tell me something I don't already know about ALS and the ALS Association today?  Do they know who they are donating to?  (By the way, I find it interesting that many of the video challenges I see do not have a link to suggest to people who to donate to) Why they need the money and why they think this is a worthy cause to support out of the literally millions of causes out there worthy of our support?

Amongst Christian circles I have also read about 'warnings' against supporting ALS Association for its support on embryonic stem cell research.  I thought this was also interesting to note.  No matter your stance on embryonic stem cell research, I just wonder if any of the bucketeers are aware of this, and that a large portion of their money goes into research.  That is, research, education, support...they are all worthy causes, but when the ice water is pouring from head to toe, do they actually know where the money is going?

Pause.  Think about it.

And then there was this last picture I saw on Facebook this morning.   It is meant to cause us to reflect, not to stop the challenge because we are wasting water per se.   (We waste a lot more than a bucket a day!) Powerful.  At least to me.

Support.  Yes.

Action.  Yes.

Challenge each other.  Absolutely.

Nothing wrong with some fun in the midst of it.

But don't do it just for the challenge or the fun.  Don't let this educational opportunity pass you by.  Learn about ALS if you are caught into the frenzy.  Find out more than 2 lines about it.  And learn about the organizations that support ALS.

If you are more into support for a cure, find out who is involved in the research for a cure and what methods they use and how they use the funds donated.

If you are more compelled to give for support to those already stroked by ALS right now, find out who is supporting these people, who these people are and what they need and how are these organizations using your money to support them.

Then Pause and Think about it.

Take a stand even if you are not challenge.  So that IF and WHEN you are challenged you will know where you stand.

And then, yes.  Do it!


So since I posted this, my brother challenged me.  This really put me in a position where I had to act on what I just blogged about.  I guess this is one reason the campaign is working - PEER PRESSURE.  In the end, I decided to donate if I find some agency supporting ALS families and learn.  In my search for more information I came across to this video - I posted this on my Facebook page and wrote this:

"A follow up to my earlier post on ALS....Watch the whole thing... "If I simply dump the ice on my head I don't think you'll get the point..."..... my point exactly.  Brother Freddy Ho just challenged me.  Brother, I take the challenge to learn and educate myself on what ALS is and how it affects people, and will donate once I find the right charity....I just choose to skip the dumping...hope you understand"

There seems to be more and more VOICES out there showing the other side of the coin.  It is incredible how much more one is willing to comment when others take the stand to do so too, especially when the 'majority' (careful what you perceive as majority on social media!) seem to be favouring one thing and you another....


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